The Raymondville Independent School District Strategic Planning efforts continue with the creation of Action Teams comprised of staff, community members, business members and students. The Action Teams will help design specific outcomes and plans to make the goals and strategies that were created by the District Strategic Planning Team "come alive" throughout the district. The four teams have been meeting on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the RISD Central Office. Their time and contributions are greatly appreciated.
Student Talents TEAM - Andrea Mungia, Dolores Guajardo, Juan Hernandez, Denise Zamora, Lisa Tamez, Dara Cepeda, Krissy Lopez, Dee Dee Gomez, Cissie Watson
Safe Environment TEAM - Antonio Guerra, Alexis Sanchez, Jennifer Zamarano, Efran Zamarano, Ben Clinton, Steve Cantu, Arely Bocanegra, Liz Urbina (Not pictured: Felicita Gutierrez, Oscar Gutierrez)
Social and Academic Skills TEAM - Marisol Herrera, Toni Rivas, Noemi Chestnutt, Liz Lopez, Cristina Cabrera (Not pictured: Victoria Perez, Velma Orozco, Tristan Posas)
Community Network TEAM - Nida Garcia, Mayor Gilbert Gonzales, Malynnae Bustos, Madeline Smart, Cris Vento, Taylor Vento (Not pictured: Brenda Guerrero, Elma Chavez)