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Raymondville ISD Student Earns CNA and Associate Degree by Junior Year

Posted Date: 08/29/2024

Raymondville ISD Student Earns CNA and Associate Degree by Junior Year

Miguel Angel Umanzor, a Raymondville Early College High School student, has recently achieved a significant milestone by completing his Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) certification. This remarkable accomplishment is a testament not only to his commitment to the healthcare field but also to the exceptional opportunities offered by Raymondville ISD and Raymondville Early College High School.

Thanks to the dual-enrollment programs and the supportive academic environment provided by Raymondville ISD, Miguel was able to earn his CNA certification while also completing his associate degree by the end of his junior year. These achievements highlight both his exceptional academic abilities and the comprehensive educational opportunities available to all students in our district.

Miguel's involvement in our school community is equally impressive. As Student Council President and a key member of the National Honor Society, he has benefited from leadership development programs and extracurricular activities that Raymondville Early College High School makes accessible to students. His role as a Student Athletic Trainer, supported by the school’s emphasis on real-world learning experiences, has allowed him to explore his passion for healthcare and sports medicine.

The educational pathways offered by Raymondville ISD have enabled Miguel to continue expanding his expertise. This year, he will pursue certifications in Phlebotomy and Electrocardiogram (ECG), further enhancing his knowledge and professional skills. His leadership extends beyond the classroom, where he served as Junior Class President and led the Youth Advisory Council, roles that were nurtured by the district's focus on student leadership and advocacy.

Miguel’s accomplishments are undoubtedly impressive, but it is his character—shaped by the supportive and nurturing environment at Raymondville ISD—that truly sets him apart. He embodies the qualities of an outstanding leader and role model, displaying empathy, integrity, and a relentless work ethic. His ability to balance rigorous academic pursuits, leadership roles, and work commitments while maintaining a high standard of excellence is a direct result of the opportunities and support provided by Raymondville ISD.

We are incredibly proud of Miguel Angel Umanzor and confident that he will continue to excel and make a significant impact in all his future endeavors. His achievements reflect not only his hard work and dedication but also the strong foundation laid by Raymondville ISD and Raymondville Early College High School.


student with diploma


The following was written by student Miguel Angel Umanzor.

As I stand at a new chapter in my academic journey, I am both humbled and proud to reflect on the milestones I've reached throughout my time in high school. Completing my associate's degree and earning my Certified Nursing Assistant certification has been an incredibly challenging  experience in three years. These accomplishments would not have been possible without the unwavering support of my family, friends, and mentors, as well as my steadfast faith in the Lord.

From the moment I entered high school, I knew I wanted to push myself to achieve great things. Balancing the  demands of advanced classes with responsibilities that went from sports to a part-time job required immense dedication and time management. There were days when the workload seemed overwhelming, but with determination and a clear vision of my goals, I was able to persevere.

I am profoundly grateful to my family, whose constant encouragement and belief in my abilities kept me motivated. My teachers, professors, and mentors also played a crucial role, offering guidance and support every step of the way. Their wisdom and patience have been invaluable to my success. Above all, I thank the Lord for giving me the strength and resilience to navigate this journey, as well as blessing me every step of the way.

To the rising freshmen, I want to say this: believe in yourself and your potential. The road ahead may be challenging, but with hard work, determination, and faith, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, and don't be afraid to seek help when you need it. Your dreams are within reach, and with perseverance, you can turn them into reality.

As I move forward, I carry with me the lessons learned and the gratitude for those who have supported me. I am excited for what the future holds and remain committed to continuing my journey with the same passion and dedication. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey, especially my freshman English teacher Michele Maschler and counselor Sandy Perez Andaverde, whose words of wisdom and guidance made what I’ve accomplished possible. I could not have done it without you all. Lastly, I’d like to thank my mom, who has always been there rain or shine, never missing a beat when it comes to doing what’s best for me. Thank you for always being the anchor that’s kept me level-minded and secure when facing an uncertain future.